The Believers are but Brothers

Ever been to the theatre and forgotten to turn your phone off? Or have you been the person narrowly closing your eyes in a form of communication and annoyance at someone once you see the yellowish light glow over their face and see them tap away.

It’s something that definitely frustrates me but during this production it’s encouraged to keep your phone on. Strange, I know but all for a good cause, The Believers are but Brothers has a special Whatsapp group each performance which allows the audience to be inclusive. At first I was excited at this notion but also scared that one of my several Whatsapp groups would seriously interefer the performance but this wasn’t the case. There was no fourth wall, so it felt more like a conversation and a insight into the characters lives, showing snippets through YouTube and monologue pieces this performance definitely highlights the skilled and talents of Javaad Alipoor.

In a world where there are more digital cameras than human eyes. We are fused into a machine of seeing and recording and sharing

Despite Javaad’s approach, using the characters to highlight the decision making and process behind young men’s approach in considering joining ISIS (not to mention the basic dangers).

Though the stereotypes of those who sit behind their computer screens and tapping away at their keyboards daily are those of a ‘loser’, somebody who wants to be somebody else and escape reality. Or what about the likes of me and you? What about us who take some joy in the internet but actually the same people typing on a keyboard, Whatsapp group and speak exactly the same to our friends. Overall i felt the concept and storylines are deep but require a level to enable the audience to open their eyes particularly between the issues and relationship between Syria, United States of America and the United Kingdom.

Showing at Bush Theatre until 10 Feb, book tickets here.


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