5 Handy tips for packing Hand Luggage

Packing for any kind of holiday can be a nightmare, but somehow I always find packing for a short trip much harder, especially when you don’t have any luggage to check in. I’ve made a quick list of top 5 tips and packing trips to help make it your next trip a breeze.

1. With your passport, boarding pass and money/bank card it’s very unlikely you’ll be getting anywhere. Always keep this somewhere you can easily reach and out of sight to others.

2. Roll your clothes, don’t fold! This method is honestly the most effect way to be able to squeeze in the most into your suitcase. Fill every space wisely by filling socks into shoes, and storing underwear neatly into pockets or folding them within other garments. It’s always worth checking your airlines policy and allowance to see if you are permitted one or two free bags and the size this way you may be able to be bring on with you a small hand bag or backpack.

Note: hard-shell suitcase, this can add up to four kilos of weight before you’ve even started packing so think light to stay light

3. I’ve had to do this out of no choice to make sure that my luggage is not over and also that there is more room. Wearing your heaviest item may not work for everyone but if you’re travelling to a country where it is likely to be cold, make sure you wear a warm coat and possibly your heavy footwear to release some space in your hand luggage. It’s best to always pack multi-purpose footwear that you can easily wear for daytime and nighttime too.

4. If you’re staying in a hotel take advantage of what they have to offer e.g. towels and shampoo. This will save some space in your hand luggage especially having to repack a wet towel can add more weight to your luggage. If there are essentials that you need but couldn’t fit under the 100ml restrictions wait until you find a local supermarket and the prices are likely to be 50% cheaper than any airport prices.

5. Know the limits. Although you haven’t paid for luggage to be checked in, depending on the airlines you may be able to carry one or two bags on board with you. The sizes of these will vary and the suitcase will usually be around 10kg. If you’re travelling with someone else don’t double up on items – know what each person is bringing. Share where you can but remember it’s always important to back your own suitcase but always try to include absolute necessities and save things that be bought / thrown away later for when you land.


Bonus tip: always create an itinerary and check list, go through this at least 48 hours before you start packing so you can purchase anything you don’t already have and still have time to locate them too.


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